German Cockroach (Bluttella Germanica)
• Length: Small-sized, 1.6 cm.
• Color: dark yellow, the first section of the pronotum is dark and is remarked with 2 dark spots.
• Male’s abdomen is more protruded than that of a female, Ootheca size: 6-9 mm.
Life Cycle
During its lifetime, the female can lay about 4-8 oothecae, each one contains 30-40 eggs that end up hatching nymphs. When the nymphs become adults they repeat the same life cycle again.
Habitat & Behavior
It lives in moist areas near food sources i.e. kitchens, bathrooms and even bedrooms in some high infection cases. It also prefers the temperature that ranges from 0 -31 oC degrees.
Risk to Humans
The German cockroach may transfer different kinds of bacteria, causing some bacterial diseases.