Bed Bugs (Cimex Lectularius)
Brief Information
A small-sized insect with a remarkable presence nowadays in Britain, Europe, Australia, Asia, massive parts of America and several Arab countries. Bed bugs hide from our sights, and have caused a lot of harms to many citizens. Today, bed bugs have conquered quite diverse locations, houses and hotels, worldwide. We should be aware not to carry these bloodsuckers back to our homes, given that they may be brought by expatriates of different countries.
Bed bugs belong to order Diptera and have a front wing of a thick base and a membranous end. We call such a wing Hemelytron.
Adult Cimex are dark brown, oval, and have no hind wings with a length of 4-7 mm.
These insects feed exclusively on blood in dark rooms, triggering itching sensation, allergic reactions and exhaustion as they cause sleeplessness day or night.
Adults grow to (0.25 in) long and are reddish brown, flat and oval. Nymphs resemble adults but have a smaller size and lighter color.
Bed bugs do not fly, but can move rapidly on floors, walls, roofs and other surfaces.
Female bed bugs lay their eggs in isolated areas, and can lay 5 eggs per day and 500 eggs in their lifetime. The eggs cannot be seen without zooming, and are extremely tiny, white and viscous and therefore stick to each other to form groups.
Risks to Humans
Bed bugs usually bite us when we are asleep and take a tiny amount of blood using the needle-like mouthparts, exactly like mosquitos. It is rare for us to feel the bite, though the bed bug takes about 3-10 minutes of sucking blood.
The symptoms vary, ranging from no visible effect to intense itching.
Bed bugs bite during our sleep, any exposed body part(s) including: face, neck, shoulders, arms and hands etc.